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At first,
sadness and laughter
next to each other,
not to hold anymore from each other.
Then pain burns in my breast,
agony tears my soul,
paralysis grips limbs,
sob joggles my body.
I attempt to escape.
panic, fear, despair, powerlessness,
a Minotaurus of the feelings
let me wince
falters my breath.
Screams full horror,
never heard yet,
as from another world,
shrills through the night-black room.
you stand behind me,
does not leave me,
are with me.
I find back,
because the heat and the pressure
of your hands,
a cord in the labyrinth of my madness,
leads me back
into the reality.
© Liv Christiane Daria Göhner 01.11.1998, translated 14.01.2005
Zitat 87(228):Menschen zählen zu den Herdentieren: Leithammel, gefolgt von Neidhammeln.
Lothar Schmidt
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