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Voices the first ordering and threatening,
    do not do that,
    I do not want that,
    if you do not do, what I want,
    I will leave you,
  the second anxious and begging,
    do not hit me,
do not touch me,
    do not let me alone,
    accept me as I am,
  the third angry and murderous,
    you son of a bitch,
    I bump you off,
    I hate you,
  the fourth longing and demanding,
    I love you,
    I made myself beautiful for you,
    come, I am ready to embrace you.

I am paralyzed.
Are they in me?
If so, which is the correct one?
However there is also a voice,
always there, often inaudible,
At first craven, then louder.
I recognize, this one hits the spot,
and becomes

© Liv Christiane Daria Göhner 16.09.1998, translated 14.01.2005


Zitat 174(228):
Die letzte Stimme, die man hört, bevor die Welt explodiert, wird die Stimme eines Experten sein, der sagt: Das ist technisch unmöglich!
Peter Alexander Ustinov

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