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You want me to speak with you,
but my words are hollow.
You want me to listen to you,
however I can not take Your Thoughts.
You want me to look at you,
but my look does not resist to you.
You want me to go toward you,
however I am as paralyzed.
You want me to osculate you,
but I do not feel you.
You want me to be with you,
however I feel empty.
Around me are only cold,
But then it becomes light,
and the light becomes word,
and the word is love.
© Liv Christiane Daria Göhner 15.09.1998, translated 14.01.2005
Zitat 169(228):Lieber von den Richtigen kritisiert als von den Falschen gelobt werden.
Gerhard Kocher
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